Wednesday, 31 October 2012

SubhanAllah =) cantiknya

one of my dream...i wanna go here =) >>> go for holiday at Abu Dhabi

Shekh Zayed Grand Mosque (Masjid), Abu Dhabi, UAE

Cinta Adam dan Hawa

Wahai adam, jika benar kau kasih dan cintakan hawa (wanita) itu ツ

/█\ /█\
•.♥•.||. ||. •.♥•

•.♥• Bawalah dia ke jalan ALLAH,
•.♥• Nasihatilah dia,
•.♥• Perbetulkan kesilapannya,
•.♥• Jagalah dia dgn baik,
•.♥• Kasihanilah dia,
•.♥• Lindungilah dia,
•.♥• Berilah kasih syg padanya,
•.♥• Hargailah dia,
•.♥• Ucapkan terima kasih atas kelebihannya,
•.♥• Bersabar dengannya,
•.♥• Terimalah dan cintailah kekurangannya,
•.♥• Jadi IMAM terbaik dan redhalah padanya..

✿ Moga dia menunggumu di SYURGA sebagai bidadarimu..amin ツ


In the hands of Allah

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

My dream when I was young

Everybody have their own dream..Cik LK also have dream...
I wish many things when I was young...a young girl...

During 6 years old...I adore a Barbie Doll..*hmm girly-minded that time..hmm I wanna be the most beloved child to my mom n dad...i don want my other siblings being loved more then me...* haiya...what kind of person of me that time (hehe what 2 say? I'm anak bongsu/the youngest child) but then when become older n older n older...i realize that we have to be fair n square...sharing love with my siblings...sharing everything with my siblings...Kak Na, Abang Zul, Kak Kam, Kak Hajar =)

During 7 years old...i want 2 go to circus...*thank to Allah....there is a circus from oversea come to my place (don know that circus team come from where..i was too young that time)...i got free tickets for my father accompany me... *really miss my late-father =) (al-fatihah for him)....the most sweet moment for me because my dream came true =)....but then there is no more circus team come to my place after that. I'm still remember this "circus moment" because it was the most precious moment with my father =) love u dad <3

There are too many things I dream till now...and I realized that we need "Mr. Effort" in order to achieve what we dream...for example....if we want 2 success with flying color  in exam,we need to study hard.....THE MOST IMPORTANT IS EFFORT,TAWAKAL AND DOA =)

Ingredients: Effort, tawakal, doa

How to make it:
1. Put a lot of effort
2. Tawakal to Allah
3. Pray and recite doa to Allah

But make sure : you dream GOOD things not bad things...

When i was young....i dream a lots....some of its (like above)....but now the most thing i want to do is to accompany my beloved mak to Makkah to perform Haj...and insyaAllah do "upah haji" for my beloved late mom n dad forever =)

For those who still have father and mother, u all have to appreciate them and make them happy =) 

Muhasabah diri =)

PERINGATAN BERSAMA oleh Pakar Diari Hati
Sekalipun dia pelaku "maksiat", tidak semestinya dia PENGHUNI NERAKA.
Sekalipun dia "ahli" ibadah, tidak bermakna dia PENGHUNI SYURGA.

DOSA dapat dihapuskan dengan TAUBAT,
Tapi AMAL & PAHALA juga mampu "dimusnahkan" dngan RIAK. 

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers